Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of San Antonio, Inc.
Crisis Response
Catholic Charities remains committed to serving all people in our city, around our state, and even to those passing through. Whether it is feeding the hungry, comforting the displaced, or welcoming the stranger, there are many ways to get involved. Download a list, shop, and drop at any location. Cybershop using our Amazon Wishlist to safely purchase items that will be delivered to one of our locations. Or make a monetary donation and designate the program you wish to benefit from your contribution. You can also volunteer!
Catholic Charities is providing support to children arriving in San Antonio. Consider purchasing items online to be delivered to one of our locations or making a monetary donation to support humanitarian aid efforts.
Make a Donation to Help Your Neighbor
Catholic Charities provides basic needs to our community, crisis or not. There are three ways YOU can help your neighbor.
Volunteer With Us
We are in need of volunteers to distribute food and water to our neighbors! For more information about volunteering, please contact Volunteer Services.